NYC learning exchange for young people
New York exchange to elevate the voices of underrepresented young Welsh people

Search on for stage Deian a Loli
Looking for children between the ages of 11-14 to play the part of Deian and Loli in a new stage play

The Stage award win
Congrats Elan Davies

Open call for young performers
Be part of something truly special.

Open call for theatre artists ready to change the game
Intensive artist development programme for under 30s takes a new twist to explore new ways of engaging theatre audiences.

Search for directors under 30
Opportunity for six directors under 30 to lead six creative projects with young people

Screen debuts for new writing
Seven short films from new playwrights will be premiered this June as part of a partnership between Frân Wen, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru and Literature Wales.